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Are You Battling Fatigue?

Author: Sarah Labdar
Do you work too much? Are you stressed out and don't have any time for yourself? Or maybe you have late nights studying and cramming for exams? Maybe you are bored or depressed by life because you are under stimulated. All of these situations are a normal result of fatigue. Everyone experiences fatigue at some point in his or her lifetime. However, fatigue is one of the leading symptoms expressed in today's medical settings. Fatigue is increasingly becoming more common due to the fast paced, high stress environments that we live in. Couple that with an unhealthy diet of high fat foods and limited amounts of exercise and fatigue will creep up on you rather quickly. Fatigue is a general feeling of tiredness, exhaustion, or lack of energy. This constant state of weariness diminishes ones energy, mental capacity and motivation. Normal fatigue can be a response to physical exertion, emotional stress, boredom or lack of sleep. Fatigue is not a disease, rather a symptom and can be caused by a disease such as a cold, flu, or anemia. In some cases fatigue is a nonspecific sign of a more serious psychological or physical disorder. Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms that people experience in this day in age. However, most often than not people associate fatigue with several other symptoms, when in actuality they are separate sensations. Weakness, drowsiness, apathy, sleepiness, and lack of motivation are all symptoms that the general public associate with fatigue. In most cases these symptoms can accompany fatigue, however they can show a link to an underlying cause. Therefore it is necessary to be clear when presenting your symptoms to a doctor, so he or she can properly test, diagnose and treat you. Fatigue can stem from many different aspects of ones life making it almost impossible to pinpoint the exact cause of fatigue. Most people can indicate some area of their life that could cause fatigue however, in some cases blood tests, physical examinations and diagnosis by a physician is necessary. Although general fatigue is normally caused from overexertion, stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, inactivity or the use of drugs or alcohol, fatigue can also occur as a result of a disease or disorder or even due to the consumption of prescription medication. Physical conditions such as dehydration, allergies, asthma, anemia, sleep disorders, pregnancy and obesity can all express themselves with the symptom of fatigue. Diseases such as arthritis, lupus, cancer, diabetes, fibromyalgia, kidney and liver disease and hypo/hyperthyroidism can present with fatigue. A physician can diagnose these diseases and disorders through routine blood tests and examinations. In cases where fatigue lasts longer than 6 months without relief from rest and greatly interferes with your daily life, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia may be the cause. Consult your doctor to check for these disorders. In addition, psychological disorders such as depression, grief and anxiety physically and mentally cause fatigue within the body. Psychologists are trained to diagnose and treat patients who present with fatigue as a symptom to an underlying psychological disorder. For anyone who has taken a prescription medication, they know there is a long list of possible side effects that could occur when taking a specific drug. Fatigue is one side effect of many prescription medications, therefore it is important to tell your doctor if fatigue occurs as a result of taking a prescription medication. This way the doctor can find an alternative drug, or change your dosage. Some medications that have been known to cause fatigue include antihistamines, blood pressure medication, sleeping pills, steroids, diuretics, sedatives, antidepressants and stimulants. Never stop taking any medication prescribed by a physician before consulting your doctor to avoid any harmful reactions or withdrawal symptoms. For general fatigue the treatment is very simple- rest, eat healthy, drink plenty of water, reduce stress, increase exercise or activity and get adequate sleep. This allows your body to recover from the depleted state that it was in. Sleep allows both your mind and body to relax and recharge. Getting a consistent number of hours of sleep each night can allow your body enough recovery time. A well balanced diet improves the body's ability to function and maintains the appropriate vitamins, minerals and nutrients that it needs. Our bodies are made up of 75% water; therefore replenishing your body's water supply each day is necessary. It also helps to maintain perspiration, expiration, elimination and respiration. Additionally making simple lifestyle changes such as maintaining a reasonable work and personal schedule, avoiding drugs and alcohol, taking a multivitamin and learning ways to relax such as yoga or meditation, will also help to stave off fatigue.

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About the Author
Sarah Labdar graduated with a BA in exercise science and has worked in the medical field since. Her focus is alternative medicine and how it interacts and works in conjunction with traditional medicine. Check out my health website! Everyday Health, Live your Life to the fullest!