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About Us
Would you like to take an amazing journey that will lead to knowledge beyond your wildest dreams? You’ve come to the right place! Your Healthier You can show you how to achieve knowledge that come from, mental, physical and emotional health you never dreamed possible!

Join wellness experts, as they play host for your personal journey to excellent health.  Your Healthier You is a part of a new breed of online wellness web sites.  Your Healthier You brings experts from the field of nutrition, physical fitness, and emotional health and wellness, and together they show you how to improve your health and well being, using the most cutting edge methods currently available.

Your Healthier You has it;s own local cable show.  It can be seen on Comcast Cable,  shot out of Philadelphia.  The focus of the show is  "promoting healthy living practices that bring emotional, physical and mental well being to people.  Also  bringing the total wellness philosophy to interested people through the cable show and, now, through our new online magazine.  "It is our strongest desire to share wellness methods and teach people how easy it is to be truly healthy."

In addition to exciting guests who appear on the show.  Your Healthier You,  bring the audience "cutting edge" health and wellness methods, that focuses on teaching people to improve their health by bringing them much needed advice. And helps people to sort through the massive amounts of information available to decide what is truly right for them.

The shows host and co-hosts talents go far beyond entertaining their audience with a charismatic, funny and genuinely honest approach to helping others.

Most people have heard of the term six pack abs, and also of ripped, cut, and tight abs.
Eight Pack Abs
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