Get into a comfortable position. Uncross your arms and legs and relax your body; feel your feet on floor your backside on the chair or whatever you are sitting on or laying against.  How do you feel? 

Move from your thinking mind  into your body and try to feel your body and or your emotions. Take a deep breath; what do you feel?  Do you feel tension in your body or some emotion like sadness, anxiety or anger? 

Take a breath into what ever it is that you are feeling and do not judge it or try to change it, just take a breath into it and try to relax into the discomfort.   Most of us just move through our day and our lives with out checking in with ourselves if there is anything unresolved, we will usually have strange outbursts or emotional upsets. 

By paying attention and observing ourselves without judgment, we can relax into and therefor move through the discomfort and eventually to peace.
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YHY Expert Tips-by Lori Zatz
Lori Zatz LCSW
Psychotherapy Breathwork